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Download Game of Thrones season 4 (2014 USA, HBO) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

Game of Thrones season 4 begins with the consequences of the so-called Red Wedding. During the massacre many of Lannisters sworn enemies were destroyed, and they are hoping that the Iron Throne will stand firm. But now they have to fight with their own self-esteem, and don't forget about the new threats that are moving from the south, north and east. Stannis restores his army at Dragonstone. Oberyn Martell comes to the wedding Joffrey and Margaery in King's Landing. In the north, on the Wall, the number of Night Watch's army is considerably smaller than wild Mance's army with which they have to fight. Even more terrible threat comes after the Wildlings - the White Walkers. But that's not all. Daenerys Targaryen with her menacing dragons and the "Unsullied" soldiers intends to capture Meereen, the largest city in Slaver's Bay, where she will get a sufficient number of ships for sail to Westeros. Her main objective is to seize the Iron Throne.

Game of Thrones season 4
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  • Author: Soap
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  • 22 сентября 2016 01:20
I delayed watching or reading Game of Thrones for a long, long time and I'm kind of glad I did. Why, you wonder? Because I got to sit through two seasons without waiting a week for the next episode. But, well, then I came to the third and that problem became ... kind of relevant.

As an avid reader and a major fan of any sort of fantasy (may it be games, books, movies, TV shows), I honestly don't know why I didn't pick up Game of Thrones before. I do remember telling my friend "It's mainstream, it's sure to suck" or something along those lines. I might have been in a world of hipsters back then so do forgive me, please. However, when I picked it up, I realized that it's everything but it's not mainstream. I watched two seasons before picking up the books, and I can proudly say that I hadn't wasted thirty or so hours of my life.

Game of Thrones deviates from any known formula - for TV shows or books. Its story and characters span across many continents and each characters has its own story to tell - they all matter. There are a lot of characters - some you might love, some you might hate (looking at you, oh my King) but you can't help but admire each and every one of them. In a nutshell, Game of Thrones is a Game where people try to outwit each other, where people try to survive against all the odds and, of course, get laid somewhere in-between those things. What makes the story unique, though, and what makes it deviate from other fantasy stories is its unique aspects of no main character. Sure, there are some that get more screen time than the others, but that actually should be a sign for you. In the world of Seven Kingdoms and beyond, no one is safe - no one is certain to live. This alone makes the series even more interesting and creates odd sense of tension you can't get off. I'm sure many people, even non-readers and non-viewers, have heard of sheer brutality G. Martin possess. Well ... it's true.

As far as the other things go, the scenery and locations are either breathtaking or distastefully brilliant. From the wood houses and stone castles at the North to the beautiful architecture of the Capital, to the empty, frozen lands beyond the North - they're all breathtaking. The scenery alone invests you into the story, making you a part of it. Because the story spans over the entire world, you won't be seeing one type of scenery through the entire episode - and I think that's the thing that makes this show jump from 9 to 10. There's just so much to inhale, scene after scene, episode after episode, and you never go "Oh God, I get it, there are walls all over the place and it's cold and it's snow" because takes jump from one side of the world to the other in the matter of seconds.

As far as the soundtrack goes, it's not as great as the things mentioned above, but it does the job. There are indeed some epic tracks, but most of the time, music stays in the background. Still, nonetheless, it amplifies the feeling of epicness as you watch the series.

There's a lot to take from Game of Thrones. There are a lot of stories to be told, a lot of characters to kill off and a lot of battles to be held (Dragons, I'm looking at you). In all aspects, it may not be a true masterpiece; still, no one can please everyone. Personally, for me, the lack of true fantasy, may it be dark or high is what makes me a bit ... itchy about the series. However, as I caught up with the books, even that problem faded. I look forward to more of Game of Thrones ... but the pain is to wait, indeed.
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