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Download Game of Thrones season 6 (2016 USA, HBO) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

Game of Thrones season 6 continues the story of the Seven Kingdoms. Last season left a lot of questions, chief among which is the life or death of Jon Snow. Key moments in the beginning of the new season: Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy remained alive after a jump from the tower. They manage to escape from Ramsay Bolton. After that, Theon returns home to the Iron Islands. Daenerys Targaryen appears before Khal, surrounded by Dothraki. Jaime and Cersei Lannister will meet again. Their daughter Myrcella Baratheon is dead. Blind Arya Stark with the begging bowl is sitting on the steps of Braavos. Tyrion Lannister has not yet said its last word in this war. The struggle for the Iron Throne is getting tougher...

Game of Thrones season 6
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  • Author: Soap
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  • 25 сентября 2016 03:38
Great series. Better late than never! A series which will be released in-depth of all individuals and one for an identification of a middle age universe.

I love how the author takes you along on a long unpredictable journey into the magical universe where the battle against good and evil plays a large role

Game of Thrones beats all the movies and all series!

To call it a series is almost a shame because it feels like a long incredibly good movie.

I am amazed almost in love.

Before I write a review I like to take a look at the "Loved It/Hated It". I do this before watching some movies/TV shows that I am uninformed or wary of wasting my time. I have to say I can't even remotely relate to what the "Hated It" folks are rambling on about. This series is well cast,(and a bit daring I think for casting Peter Dinklage (the dwarf) in one of the primary roles), he is excellent, you're not sure at the start of the series if your going to like or hate him but by the end of season 1, if you're anything like me, he has become one of your favorites. Lena Headey and Sean Bean are really the only actors that I was familiar with before watching GoT, but each character seems perfectly cast to me.

I did not watch this on HBO and therefore did not have to wait for weeks or months for the next installment, and thank goodness, once I started watching it was almost impossible for me not to go ahead and watch the next episode because the end of each episode left wanting more, and isn't that what a really good show should do.

I will say this, I was startled by this series in one way, they are not shy about killing off main characters in this show. I know that this is based on the series of books, A Song of Ice and Fire, I have not read them but I understand that they stay very true to the novels, but I would have found this just as startling for a novel, I won't spoil it for you by saying which characters but I will say steel yourself they come fairly often.

Because this is HBO there is a fair amount of nudity, sex and some fairly graphic violence, but I found none of it offensive nor gratuitous, but if that sort of thing bothers you it is the only reason I would say not to watch this series. I have watched all of the first 3 seasons and now can't wait till Season 4 begins, I hope you will enjoy these as much as I have.

This Show has everything! Smart conversations, great story line, sex, violence, betrayal, death, magic and dragons! When I first started watching it I didn't have any idea what to expect, I was just looking for good shows to watch, but I got hooked on it from the beginning. The creator of the books is know one of my favorite writers. I just bought all 5 books and started reading them and I can say that the first season of the series is exactly the same as the first book. Can't say for the others cause I haven't read them yet. I recommend that you read the books too, for they are beautifully written and and I guarantee you'll enjoy them as much as the show. It has a lot of different stories intertwining and progressing at a slow pace but delivering an interesting and unpredictable result. For example, the death of Ned Stark, who seemed to be the protagonist of the show at the first season, left me and the other viewers surprised.

So next you would think that his first son who later became the 'king of the north' would rise and avenge his father's death, but after three long years of seeing him on the show and beginning to believe that he will succeed and win the throne, he got killed along with his wife and mother at a wedding. In each movie or series the protagonist usually doesn't die, or at least dies at the end, which makes you not actually worrying when he is in danger. In game of thrones though, you never know who's safe or not, and that's what makes it so interesting to watch!
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