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Download The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life (2005 UK) - Lang: English (DVDRip AVI 720x576 686Mb)

  • Post: Soap
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Film description:

From the Lovers’ Guide, the acclaimed number one brand for sex and relationships: Satisfaction Guaranteed – 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life, delivers the seven secrets that empower everyone to unlock their passion and get what they really need for a fulfilling intimate life! Presented by Tracey Cox, it offers honest and down to earth expert advice as well as authoritative educational information on how to achieve, maintain and enjoy a fulfilling, healthy and passionate relationship. Learn the secrets of how to: Orgasm when you want, the skills to seduce (almost) anyone, unleash your sexual self, and how to communicate to get your message across. This is a must have video for everyone in a relationship and those wanting to be in one.

News edited: 18-03-2019, 12:06, Reason: New link

The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life

Information about the film:

Original Title: The Lovers’ Guide: Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life
Country, Channel: UK
Release Date: 2005
Genres: Documentary, Erotic, Manual
Creator: Tracey Cox
Cast: Tracey Cox
Runtime: 58min
Language: English
Quality: DVDRip AVI 720x576 686Mb
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The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life

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I want to download The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life. Download The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life shows to watch TV series. Search for movie The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life. Get a new series The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life. Watch online The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life. Free DVD The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life. Download all series The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life serials. Watch free show The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life. British TV The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life Shows. The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life full episodes popular American Shows. Movies The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life and Download. You can download: The Lover's Guide 10 : Satisfaction Guaranteed: 7 Secrets to a Passionate Love Life.
  • Author: Soap
  • Group: Administrators offline
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  • 25 сентября 2016 00:04
This video offers honest and expert advice as well as authoritative educational information on how to achieve, maintain and enjoy a fulfilling, healthy and passionate relationship. Learn the secrets of how to: Orgasm when you want, the skills to seduce (almost) anyone, unleash your sexual self, and how to communicate to get your message across. This is a must have video for everyone in a relationship and those wanting to be in one.
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