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Download Boardwalk Empire season 5 (2014 USA, HBO) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

Events of the final season start since 1931. 7 years have passed since the events of the fourth season. Now the Great Depression times. The undisputed Atlantic City leader, Nucky Thompson is planning for the future. He has already spent time with Sally Wheet in Cuba and returned. Despite the love affair with Sally - his relationship with Margaret had not yet come to an end. Many years have passed and many things have changed, but the life of Nucky will continue to interfere with the life of Chalky White, Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Gillian Darmody, Lucky Luciano and other characters from the past seasons.

Boardwalk Empire season 5

Information about the film:

Original Title: Boardwalk Empire
Country, Channel: USA, HBO
Release Date: 2014
Genres: Crime, Drama
Creator: Terence Winter
Cast: Steve Buscemi, Kelly Macdonald, Michael Shannon, Shea Whigham, Michael Stuhlbarg, Stephen Graham, Vincent Piazza, Michael Kenneth Williams, Paul Sparks, Jeffrey Wright, Gretchen Mol, Greg Antonacci, Patricia Arquette
Runtime: 50–60 min
Language: English
Episodes: 8
Quality: 640x360
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