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Download Boardwalk Empire season 1 (2010 USA, HBO) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

The story told in TV series "Boardwalk Empire" is not a story made-up by Hollywood screenwriters – this is a story about real people and their life situations with only several gangsters’ names changed. The action is set in the 1920s. In a few hours Atlantic City – the capital of entertainment and sins – along with the whole country will enter the era of Prohibition. In the day-time Enoch "Nucky" Thompson is a city treasurer but at night he is a crafty gangster with important ties who decides to take advantage of the situation and earn money on bootlegging. Nucky’s assistant Jimmy Darmody, a World War I veteran, is back from France where he has been under treatment after the war. He decides to attack the very first "alcohol caravan" which is supposed to be delivered to Rothstein. In his plot Darmody is assisted by Al Capone, a young hand of Johnny Torrio, one of Chicago criminal bosses. Nelson Van Alden, a special agent, is trying to fight the uprising of alcohol smuggling by heading a new department for combating illegal alcohol trafficking in Atlantic City.

Boardwalk Empire season 1
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