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Download Under the Dome season 1 (2013 USA, CBS) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

TV series "Under the Dome" is based on the eponymous novel by Stephen King. A small American town is covered by a force field in the shape of a dome. The plane crashed into the dome and falling down to the ground. Gardener cuts the hand that was on the other side of the dome. Cars and houses are cut in half. A state of emergency has already been introduced, but the US government can't influence events in Chester's Mill, because they don't have access there. The town is in chaos and anarchy, looting and violence thrives. Iraq veteran Dale Barbara joins a group of daredevils who are trying to destroy the barrier. Dirty politician James Rennie acts against them. He is ready to do anything to retain power.

Under the Dome season 1
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HD 720p

(2500~3500 kbit/s)

FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

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