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Download Sons of Anarchy season 4 (2011 USA, FX) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

In Sons of Anarchy season 4 Jax is still trying to clean up his club and town from drugs. But his mother and his stepfather are in his way. Moreover, Clay kills Piermont Winston, one of the club founders and a Vietnam veteran. He was the one who gave John Teller’s handwriting to Jax. The most notable club member Juan-Carlos "Juice" Ortiz, intelligence officer, is trying to hang himself on a tree. Otto Delaney turns the whole biker club to the police in exchange for his fast death penalty. By doing this, he gets even with Bobby Elvis who slept with his wife Luann. It also became known that Clay moroow was mixed up in Jax’s father’s murder and Gemma covered this as an “accident”. As "SOA" members are voting for the new president but get interrupted by Lobos Sonora Cartel.

Sons of Anarchy season 4
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