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Download Sons of Anarchy season 5 (2012 USA, FX) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

The action in Sons of Anarchy season 5 is still set in the town of Charming, where a local biker club is trying to protect its town from the influx of drugs and arms. The young leader of the club Jackson "Jax" Teller constantly doubts the true state of affairs in the club and often argues with its founder Clay Morrow. Beyond that, "SOA" are at feud with other informal groups which are trying to monopolize the power in town. In the new season Tig and Filthy Phil find themselves in the county prison. There they are patronized by Cartel and so Damon Pope decides to get them through security. He meets with Jax at the prison governor’s office and lays down strict requirement: $50 thousand from each consignment of drugs and one of them has to die till the end of the day. At the same time, offended Gemma incites Wendy against Tara. Clay and Juice head for the brothel where Gemma is making a scene.

Sons of Anarchy season 5
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