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Download Under the Dome season 2 (2014 USA, CBS) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

Under the Dome season 2 is a continuation of the fantastic stories about how absolutely suddenly the small town of Chester's Mill struck an unknown force barrier, cutting off its inhabitants from reality. The further fate of Barbie is in the hands of Big Jim. The dome is magnetized and starts to pose a serious threat to the residents of the town. Meanwhile, Julia asks for help a stranger to rescue a mysterious girl who probably knows more than others about the origin of the dome. Tension between residents begins to grow due to the depletion of resources.

Under the Dome season 2

Information about the film:

Original Title: Under the Dome
Country, Channel: USA, CBS
Release Date: 2014
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Creator: Brian K. Vaughan
Cast: Jolene Purdy, Dean Norris, Natalie Martinez, Mike Vogel, Colin Ford, Britt Robertson, Nicholas Strong, Mackenzie Lintz, Aisha Hinds, John Elvis, Dale Raoul, Megan Ketch, Eddie Cahill, Karla Crome, Max Ehrich, Sherry Stringfield, Dwight Yoakam, Estes Tarver, Brett Cullen
Runtime: 43 minutes
Language: English
Episodes: 13
Quality: 640x360p
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Film Trailer:

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