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Download The Borgias season 3 (2012 USA, Showtime) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

In the Borgias season 3 the family will have to put all its efforts to remain in power. After the death of Pope Innocentius VIII in 1492 the Chair of Saint Peter was taken by Alexander VI (secular name Rodrigo Borgia) – a representative of the powerful Borgia clan who came to power by means of numerous intrigues. With the help of his son Cesare Borgia he bribed other clergy members and soon achieved the desired papacy. Thus, Pope Alexander VI and his children become one of the most influential people not only in Italy but in the entire Catholic Europe. A lot of people are not satisfied with such an authority and are willing to overthrow the cruel and perfidious family. In the previous seasons such attempts were made by Cardinal della Rovere who persuaded King Charles VIII of France to dispatch troops to Rome. But the Borgias managed to protect their power. The clan also stood against an influential preacher Girolano Savonarola who gathered supporters to overthrow the Borgias. New season begins with Pope Alexander fighting for his life after the poisoning while the cardinals are competing for papacy. Cesare and Micheletto are conducting an investigation in order to find the requester. Della Rovere is ready to make a new move. Caterina Sforza sends her personal cutthroat Rufio in order to dethrone the Borgia family.

News edited: 27-06-2017, 07:29, Reason:

The Borgias season 3
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