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Download The Borgias season 1 (2011 USA, Showtime) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

At the end of the 6th century unlimited power got centered in Pope’s hands: he could crown and dethrone kings and change the fates of empires. The good name of the church started to be associated with corruption and immorality. In 1492 after the death of Pope Innocentius VIII, the Chair of Saint Peter was taken by Alexander VI (secular name Rodrigo Borgia) whose family name later went down to history…but not for good deeds. The action of TV series "The Borgias" takes place in Rome in 1492. After several failed attempts to choose the candidate, Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia tells his son Cesare to bribe the clergy members in order to take the desired place. Cesare successfully completes his father’s order and on August 26th Rodrigo Borgia enters the throne under the name of Alexander VI…He gave a dare to the most powerful and famous families of Italy and now the entire country or maybe even the whole Western world is at his disposal. Alexander and his children are going to become one of the most well-known personalities in history who will inspire Machiavelli’s “Prince” and Mario Puzo’s “Godfather”…

The Borgias season 1
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