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Download Friends season 8 (2001 USA, NBC) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

Serious changes come to the lives of main heroes in Friends season 8. Rachel tells everybody that the positive pregnancy test found in Monica’s bathroom belongs to her. But at the same time she is not willing to reveal who is the father. Later Joey finds somebody’s sweater in his apartment. He guesses that the sweater belongs to the father. Phoebe thinks that it belongs to Tag Jones, Rachel’s colleague. But in the end it turns out that the sweater belongs to Ross and Rachel confesses that he is the father. Rachel and Ross tell their friends about how they spent a night together the day before Monica and Chandler’s wedding. Joey realizes that he is in love with Rachel but he thinks that she should stay with Ross as they now have a baby together. When he finally decides to confess his love to Rachel it turns out that she doesn’t feel the same way. Having unpacked their wedding gifts, Chandler and Monica go on their honeymoon. After they come back they throw a Halloween party. At the party Phoebe meets her sister Ursula’s fiance Eric. After some time Eric breaks up with Ursula and calls Phoebe to ask her out on a date.

Friends season 8
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(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

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