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Download Friends season 5 (1998 USA, NBC) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

In Friends season 5 Ross calls Emily “Rachel” at their wedding ceremony. As soon as the ceremony is over Emily tells Ross to leave her alone and runs away. Ross wants to apologize and explain that he has no feelings for Rachel. At the same time, Monica and Chandler are worried that their friendship is now at stake because of the night spent together. They come to conclusion that sex was a mistake and the very next moment they have it again. After the wedding all friends come back to New York. Emily calls Ross on the phone and says that she will give him one more chance. However, she makes a tough condition – he has to move to London and end his friendship with Rachel. Ross is not ready to meet Emily’s conditions as he can’t forget Rachel. He breaks up with Emily and moves to Joey’s apartment. Phoebe is having triplets – Frank, Leslie and Chandler – whom she gives back to her brother Frank and his wife Alice. Chandler and Monica keep hiding their relationship from everybody. In a little while, Joey, Rachel and Phoebe find out about their affair. Ross is the last person to find out about it – it happens by accident: he sees them kissing from his apartment window.

Friends season 5
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