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Download Friends season 6 (1999 USA, NBC) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

In Friends season 6 the friends are setting new priorities in their lives. Rachel and Ross wake up in the same bed and later find out that they got married the previous night. Ross convinces Rachel that he has annulled their marriage and she has nothing to worry about. But in reality they are still married. Phoebe tells Rachel the truth. Chandler and Monica decide to postpone their wedding but they want to move in together. Chandler tells Joey about his moving but Joey doesn’t like it. He thinks that their friendship will come to end if Chandler starts living with Monica but Chandler is trying to dissuade him. Rachel support Monica and Chandler’s idea to live together and moves to Phoebe’s apartment. In the meantime, Joey gets a new roommate Janine – an Australian dancer who soon becomes his girlfriend. However, the girl can’t find common language with Joey’s friends and they decide to break up. After that Joey starts working as a waiter in Central Perk cafe but quits it for a part in a new TV series. Ross finds a nice job – he is now a paleontology teacher at the university.

Friends season 6
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