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Download South Park (Season 10) (2006 USA, Comedy Central) - Lang: English (WEB MKV 720p)

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Film description:

The Return of Chef, Smug Alert!, Cartoon Wars Part I, Cartoon Wars Part II, A Million Little Fibers, Manbearpig, Tsst, Make Love, Not Warcraft, Mystery of the Urinal Deuce, Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy, Hell on Earth 2006, Go God Go, Go God Go XII, Stanley’s Cup,

The curious, adventure-seeking, fourth grade group of boys, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, all join in in buffoonish adventures that sometimes evolve nothing. Sometimes something that was simple at the start, turns out to get out of control. Everything is odd in the small mountain town, South Park, and the boys always find something to do with it.

South Park (Season 10)

Information about the film:

Original Title: South Park
Country, Channel: USA, Comedy Central
Release Date: 2006
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Creator: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Brian Graden
Cast: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Isaac Hayes, Mona Marshall, April Stewart
Runtime: 22min
Language: English
Episodes: 14
Quality: WEB MKV 720p
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South Park (Season 10)

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 13 декабря 2016 03:51
So these guys like to offend and insult? Fine, let's put them to the ultimate test.

South Park is one of those show that make the other look bad. Cause nothing can really beat its humor. Before i used to find other cartoon funny, man but after watching this. You won't find the it funny no more.

Yeah, i know. This show is full of swearing and can be extremely offensive at time; but the show is soooo indescribably funny. Not just that, Southpark also the only show on TV that speak out the whole truth that people might not want to hear - so you see, you might find that offensive. It is also the only cartoon with the deeper meaning and teaching (which no other show offer nowaday).

And another thing, which i can guarantee: the jokes is very consistence throughout each episode and every season. Final Words: Southpark has loads to offer its viewer, more than you ever know.

SP has always been a cutting edge show, but i think time will tell that it is better than the simpsons(OK so better might not be the best word) for these reasons: Its not safe(in fact its covered every possible misery and unsafe premise in the catalogue of human kind and beyond), It does it with style and with a big it could happen to us all grin, Its funnier, more belly laugh, laugh to I pee'd, cried etc moments per season. Its spin-off movie kicked ass and was as good as the Series(T&M's best film imho), The Simpsons never has and never will have a movie(EDIT:OK So I was wrong about that). SP's characters & story lines are non-linear, The boys have changed a lot since that first season, I always felt the simpsons should of moved on and the children grown up(me n bart were similar in age when the Simpsons first appeared on the Tracy Ullman show).

SP has got better(generally) season on season(although s8 is better than s9) where the Simpsons has been on decline for years s16 & s17 for example are way below par s1-6. SP is cooler(hipness). Always has been always will be(The age of simpsons writers?). Both are musical shows, But the music from the Simpsons is great, where as the music from SP is better than super great(sublime even) think of The Chef aid album Vs Any of Simpsons albums(ulp just remembered TSSTB, bartman??! ne1 ¬_¬) or the film soundtrack with is outstanding(imho). OK I realise all of this and all the other stuff I haven't mentioned, will only provide a contemporary laymen's notion of better which as we should all know by now is subjective. But I'am fully aware of all the arguments for the Simpsons(like without it there would most likely wouldn't of been a SP as we know it) and could argue them almost as passionately but if I had to choose between the two for rest of eternities viewing I'd go for SP.

My fave SP episodes are in no order: Scott Tenorman Must DIe 501(One of the funniest not to mention scary looks into the dark matter that is Cartman, with some hilarious moments such as When Radiohead read the plea letter supple 8yr old boy....Cancer!!....in his ass), The Simpsons already did it 608 This episode goes someway in clearing up this debate acknowledging the simpsons influence on SP but also points out that the Simpsons get a lot of there ideas from the twilight zone and every other family sitcom before and since. Christian Rock Hard 709 this episode is pure "myrrh" love it cos i'm a musician and cos its right on the money from start to finsh, and finally Season 8 eps 1 to 8 with the exception of Goobacks are beyond good. Too many of my all time fave TV shows are in this lot. good times with weapons 801 was the coolest SP yet, the style of animation changes(as in 608) to anime as the boys muck about as ninjas after buying authentic(sharp) ninja weapons. Up the down the steroid and Awesom-o making my S8 top 3 . Well i held the floor for a while now, I best retire and let you discuss this is you are so moved to do so.

I want to see them produce an episode parodying the Islamic prophet Mohammed. And why not? They have caricatured and ridiculed just about every other religion on the face of the earth, including Islam, but they have yet to depict Mohammed in any of their episodes. Why? Are they scared? Is the only reason they choose to insult other religious icons but not Mohammed is because they know the other religions will do nothing more than simply complain about it? They have parodied Jesus and Virgin Mary in a patently insulting way, but I want to see their parody of Mohammed!

This is-by miles, leaps and bounds-the funniest show I have ever seen. This is coming from someone who watches the simpsons, family guy, drawn together, robot chicken, chappelle's show, and mind of mencia on a regular basis. How Matt Parker and Trey Stone come up with this stuff is amazing. The stuttering kid Jimmy is alone enough reason to watch this outstanding show, and I don't think I need to tell you about the infamous Cartman. Watch this show whenever it is on- it is arguably the funniest show on TV today. Now that chappelle's show is defunct (temporarily) South Park is king of all comedy central shows. Nine years and STILL going strong. I hope it keeps it up until 2009, which is when I've heard it will end. But hopefully, it won't end even then.

South Park is a very funny show. I can never forget the first time I saw it. I was preparing to escape from the mental hospital that I was in, before I escaped, I wanted to take a hostage so that they would take me seriously. But, for some reason, they wouldn't. So, when they wouldn't take me serious I threatened to kill him, but then I saw South Park was on. So the kid started crying, I remember it so well, he said, "Please, Please this is the new episode of South Park, the teacher Mr. Garrison is supposed to get a sex change." And, I thought it sounded pretty funny, so I let him stay and watch it. But, after the show, I thought, you know Bill, if Cartman can be a sumo wrestler then you should be able to get your life back on the right track. Anyways, now I'm a doctor.
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