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Download South Park (Season 05) (2001 USA, Comedy Central) - Lang: English (WEB MKV 720p)

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Film description:

It Hits the Fan, Cripple Fight, Super Best Friends, Scott Tenorman Must Die, Behind The Blow, Cartmanland, Proper Condom Use, Towelie, Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants, How to Eat with Your Butt, The Entity, Here Comes the Neighborhood, Kenny Dies, Butters' Very Own Episode.

The curious, adventure-seeking, fourth grade group of boys, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, all join in in buffoonish adventures that sometimes evolve nothing. Sometimes something that was simple at the start, turns out to get out of control. Everything is odd in the small mountain town, South Park, and the boys always find something to do with it.

South Park (Season 05)

Information about the film:

Original Title: South Park
Country, Channel: USA, Comedy Central
Release Date: 2001
Genres: Animation, Comedy
Creator: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Brian Graden
Cast: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Isaac Hayes, Mona Marshall, April Stewart
Runtime: 22min
Language: English
Episodes: 14
Quality: WEB MKV 720p
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South Park (Season 05)

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 3 декабря 2016 00:43
One interesting theory has it that artists do their best work when they are in complete obscurity, thus not having much of an audience to influence their work. There have been some notable exceptions to this, such as The Cure, but with all the South Parks out there, they only serve to prove the rule.

South Park's funniest season was its first, and it is no coincidence that the episode I enjoy most is the pilot. Seeing aliens converse with cows as if they were discussing the shape of the future to come was quite a laugh in and of itself. The only other episode that comes close is Mecha-Streisand. The sheer thought of no more Babs records coming out ever again was enough to make me root for Robert Smith, I can tell you. But after these episodes became a big hit, that's where it all fell down.

What made the first series so funny was that the jokes were unexpected and surprising. But, to (possibly slightly mis-) quote Sasha Mitchell in Kickboxer 2: "When you swear so much, it loses its meaning". This applies to all sorts of forms of expression, be it a guitar chord in C# minor, or even a string of expletives in Spanish. If you don't vary things just a touch, the meaning of the words soon gets lost. And South Park's repetitious attack of the fourth graders who aren't even literate enough to get expletives down to less than fifty percent of their daily speech is losing its meaning. I do not relate to this fourth graders at all, and I find it rather insulting, both as a creative human being and as a 20-something crowd member, that Trey and Matt think I should.

Sometimes the episodes improve in quality for a moment, like Cow Days, but there's only so many times you can talk about one's butt or what comes out of it before people switch off and go looking for something else. Which is exactly what has been happening since the movie arrived on home video formats.

I'll give this show credit that during the first season (1997-1998), this TV show seemed to be the best. It was funny because one could relate to it. It seemed to have everything. Everyone thought it could topple the legendary "Simpsons". That was in the years of '97-'98.

I was once a fan of South Park. I watched it because everyone else did. When it came on, I would tune in.

But no more. On many Anti-South Park sites, they mention the "Death" episode as a spoof of the speakers against cartoon violence. A lot of recent cartoons have already done episodes like it (Simpsons, Tiny Toon Adventures, Beavis and Butt-head among them) but unlike them, as one previous person commented, Terrance and Philip are not spoofs of Beavis and Butt-head. They're an answer to those who think South Park is nothing but fart jokes. I didn't understand it at first. But as I continued reading, the episode was not to deliver a message about cartoon violence. Its purpose was a self-promotional bit: to mock those who hate South Park, accepting no tolerance of criticism! That's one out of many reasons why "South Park" will never beat "The Simpsons": it can mock everyone, but it can't laugh at it's own flaws.

The first bad choice made had to be the swapping of the second half of "Cartman's mom is a dirty slut" with that Terrance and Philip junk "Not Without My Anus" (Hope you didn't break your TVs over it.) Then, the lackluster second season came in. I know they wanted to save their best jokes for the movie, but I never laughed, gasped, etc. at it, either.

After that, South Park's popularity was, in a way, gone. In just April, 1998, they lost 46% of their ratings. It was almost embarrassing to watch anymore. Also, it wants to shock everyone, but it sometimes wimps out. In "Jakovasaurs" (ho-ho), the annoying characters eventually leave by being shipped to....France! Why France? Why not Germany or Spain, where it COULD be offensive? I'll tell you: the French can take a joke. With the other two, you need to be choosey, because some jokes upset the Germans, and the Spanish just wouldn't stand for it.

I know the show will last probably 3 years at best (emphasized by MAD magazine, who quotes: Dumb element of TV, #38: Comedy Central's choice to renew the tiresome, repetitive "South Park" for three more years despite the fact no one cares about it anymore after its massive overexposure in only 2 years). But the fans won't.

In 1999, I swore off the show. I liked it, but I'm starting to hate it. It's not funny anymore. The characters are just getting dumber and more irritating. The jokes are stuff little kids laugh at. It's now a cartoon that does anything for a cheap laugh or two. Compared to "Simpsons", "South Park" is just a diversion. It won't last. The movie pounded the final nail in the South Park coffin. After that movie, it should've just died.

Kenny will have to die for good one day...
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