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Download Dallas season 3 (2014 USA, TNT) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

Dallas season 3 keeps following the Ewings – a wealthy American family which runs an oil business and a cattle ranch. The main storyline is focused on two cousins, John Ross and Christopher, who are full of ambitions but have different viewpoints on life and business which results in infuriated rivalry between them. In final season Sue Ellen is planning her son's wedding while John Ross and Bobby are disputing over their dual ownership of the ranch. Elena comes back to Dallas keeping some kind of secret. John does whatever it takes to protect his interests in the company while his affiliation with Sue Ellen is at stake. Emma seeks support her Grandmother's support. Bobby tries to outwit John Ross. Emma’s schemes endanger John Ross and Pamela’s wedding. John will try to make a deal with the family’s enemy. Christopher makes a shocking discovery and comes back from Mexico. Elena and Nicolas are becoming more than partners…

Dallas season 3
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(2500~3500 kbit/s)

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(3500~4500 kbit/s)
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