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Download The Killing season 3 (2013 USA, AMC) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

The Killing season 3 picks up one year after Rosie Larson’s murder case was solved. Sarah has finally quit her detective job and is now working for Seattle ferry system. She is also dating another man and everything in her life is going well. Her former detective partner Stephen Holder is assigned to investigate a disturbing case of a teenage girl’s violent murder. To this moment Stephen and his new partner Carl Reddick have solved a number of murders successfully. Moreover, Holder was able to give up some bad habits and is now preparing to pass exams for a sergeant. In the new case Holder finds certain similarities with the case investigated by Sarah Linden a few years ago. But it turns out that the killer who was convicted in that case is on death row now which means that the new killer is cruising the city streets. At first, Sarah is not very eager to go back to the world of crime investigation but as soon as she starts reviewing the case file she finds herself being slowly dragged into it…

The Killing season 3
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HD 720p

(2500~3500 kbit/s)

FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

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