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Download Heroes season 4 (2009 USA, NBC) - Lang: English (WEB-DL MKV 1280x720 720p)

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Film description:

In Heroes season 4 a group of travelling circus performers, led by Samuel Sullivan, appears in the story. Every group's member (or as they call it "family") possesses special abilities and Samuel is obsessed with an idea to extend the family, thus enlarging his own power. He uses deception, blackmail and many other tricks to engage new members into the family and that's how Hiro Nakamura, Claire Bennet and Sylar join the family too (but later leaving it for different reasons). Samuel wants to build a new world for his family, a world in which people with superhuman abilities can live, not hiding from other people. He offers his old friend to join the family, but as she refuses he starts to nourish the idea of revenge. He wants to arrange a grandiose show in the center of New York and then destroy the entire city in order to make everyone "take him seriously". Peter, Sylar, Claire, Noah, Hiro, Ando - all unite to resist Samuel and not let him destroy New York. They tell the family the whole truth about him – how he killed his brother to become the leader and how he betrays and blackmail everyone only to gain more power.

Heroes season 4
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SD 480p

(1500~2500 kbit/s)

FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

Film Trailer:

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