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Download ER season 15 (2008 USA, NBC) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

The final season opens up revealing Gregory Pratt is the victim of the ambulance explosion. Despite the rallying efforts of his workplace colleagues, he succumbs to his injuries and dies. The season introduces Cate Banfield as new ER chief, a woman with a seemingly mysterious past with County General. Abby and Kovac leave for a new life in Boston, Brenner must deal with issues surrounding his childhood, Sam and Gates' relationship suffers a setback while Neela is forced to make some tough decisions, both personal and professional.
To mark the end of the series and draw closure, several former cast members make a return to the show. Greene and Romano appear in a flashback episode that explores Banfield's history with County General while Carter returns to work at County although, unbeknownst to his colleagues, he is in desperate need of a kidney transplant while the likes of Benton, Ross, Lewis, Hathaway, Corday, Weaver and Barnett all make surprise returns.

News edited: 21-05-2017, 21:48, Reason:

ER season 15
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