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Download ER season 1 (1994 USA, NBC) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

In ER's first season, the core cast consisted of Chief Resident Dr. Mark Greene, pediatric resident Dr. Doug Ross, second-year resident Dr. Susan Lewis, medical student John Carter, head nurse Carol Hathaway, and second-year surgical resident Dr. Peter Benton. The series premiere "24 Hours" sees Dr. Greene considering a move into private practice at the request of his wife, Jen. The episode also sees a suicide attempt from staff nurse Carol Hathaway, who had previously been in a long-term relationship with Doug Ross, and the first day for medical student John Carter. Originally, Carol Hathaway's suicide was intended to be successful, but her death in the pilot was never shown or referred to by other characters, leaving her open for a return. Audiences responded so well to her character that producers decided to offer Julianna Margulies a permanent spot in the cast.

ER season 1
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