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Download Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (season 1) (2008 USA, FOX) - Lang: English (HDTV MKV 720p)

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Film description:

This series is set after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). After the sacrifices of Dr. Miles Dyson and T-800 Model 101 Terminator, the Connors find themselves once again being stalked by Skynet's agents from the future. Realizing their nightmare isn't over, they decide to stop running and focus on preventing the birth of Skynet. With the aid of Cameron Phillips, a beautiful girl who has a mysterious past also linked to the future; Derek Reese, a Tech-Com soldier from the future whose past is linked with the Connors; Riley, a beautiful schoolfriend of John; and FBI Agent James Ellison, who was assigned to capture the Connors but joins them after his own encounter with one of the machines. They begin a quest to stop the United States military and a shadowy conspiracy from the future from creating the program that will stop at nothing to bring humanity to ...

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (season 1)

Information about the film:

Original Title: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Country, Channel: USA, FOX
Release Date: 2008
Genres: Fantastic, Action, Sci-Fi
Creator: Josh Friedman
Cast: Lena Headey, Thomas Dekker, Summer Glau, Richard T. Jones, Brian Austin Green, Garret Dillahunt, Shirley Manson
Runtime: 44min
Language: English
Episodes: 9
Quality: HDTV MKV 720p
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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (season 1)

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 7 октября 2016 12:16
I read all the bad reviews, and watched all the episodes. Trust me, the people giving it bad reviews watched only the pilot or two episodes and gave up too quickly. The show evolves and gets much better than the first few episodes. The plots are exciting, much more than Fringe (which can be disgusting and predictable) or even Dollhouse (which can be too unrealistic), two shows that I also really like this season.

I'll tell you something, I never bought a DVD for a TV show in my life, this is the first time and I've watched every popular show imaginable. This show has great plots, dialogue, and layered meanings and themes hidden within the show. If you liked any of the terminator films, you'll absolutely love this show. If you like any scifi or action TV shows, you'll definitely love this show. Just don't expect it to be like the Terminator movies with humongous budgets and explosions (yet it has quite a lot in each episode).

The Terminators portrayed in the series are amazing. The evil terminator seems so robotic and yet its ability to trick humans is wonderful. The complexities of the terminator characters are very entertaining.

Summer Glau is probably the BEST terminator ever. I love Arnold but she really makes the terminator seem realistic (why would a genius AI infiltrating humans send a bodybuilder? They'd send a little girl!!!).

The AI development storyline for Skynet is intense, alluding to chess was a great idea.

Sarah Connor played by Lena Headey, is very realistic. A very imperfect but tough woman who is on the verge of insanity--yet still tries to behave like a mother. She goes through some tough struggles.

John Connor sucked in the first few episodes, I'm sorry, but resistance are not "laid back, mellow, irrational, teenage delinquents"-- Don't worry though the character evolves into a fearsome resistance leader and engineer. He also struggles with trying to be a normal person and accepting his destiny (quite realistic).

Cromartie, the terminator who tries to kill John, played by Garret Dillahunt is an excellent actor (you probably seen him in Last House on the Left).

Important: The season finale of the second season was probably one of the best season finales I have ever seen in any TV show. It's definitely worth every penny, I really think you will be entertained, especially if you loved Terminator films.
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