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Download King Cobra (2016 USA) - Lang: English (WEB MKV 384p 720p 1080p)

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Film description:

This ripped-from-the-headlines drama covers the early rise of gay porn headliner Sean Paul Lockhart a.k.a. Brent Corrigan, before his falling out with the producer who made him famous. When Sean decides he'd be better off a free agent, a cash-strapped pair of rival producers aim to cash in by any means possible.

King Cobra

Information about the film:

Original Title: King Cobra
Country, Channel: USA
Release Date: 2016
Genres: Crime, Drama
Creator: Justin Kelly
Cast: James Franco, Alicia Silverstone, Molly Ringwald, Christian Slater, Garrett Clayton, Keegan Allen, Sean Grandillo, Spencer Rocco Lofranco, Cabrina Collesides, James Kelley, Jeremiah Wenutu, Nicole Signore, Joseph Baird, Edward Crawford, Rosemary Howard
Runtime: 91min
Language: English
Quality: WEB MKV 384p 720p 1080p
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King Cobra

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 29 октября 2016 02:14
"I like to think that I'm gay in my art and straight in my life - James Franco.

In another recent missed opportunity James Franco proves once more that he is talented but highly pretentious when it comes to his craft. With recent films like - Milk, Howl, Wild Horses and most recently I am Michael; Franco again argues that he is shaping his view of what he considers art - His directorial work is more of the same, contemporary period literature that sometimes never translates well to the screen. In King Cobra, we see the same results all too familiar by now.

Sean Lockhart (Garrett Clayton) decides to meet with gay porn producer Stephen (Christian Slater) in the hopes of becoming a star within the industry. Stephen instantly believes Sean has the makings of a star and soon begin to work together producing videos under the pseudonym "Brent Corrigan" - Quickly rising to fame Stephen takes complete ownership of Sean not allowing to him to leave or work freely with others - Or raise his pay.

Meanwhile, two aspiring porn producers Joe (James Franco) and Harlow (Keegan Allen) in debt try to produce a film with the rising Bret Corrigan, only to be stopped by Stephen; who wants 80% of the profits made.

Director Justin Kelly (I am Michael) once again struggles on two themes - who is this movie for ? - And what this movie is about ? - with a similar theme related back to I am Michael about the struggles of homosexuality and what it means to be a gay man - or how it feels to find acceptance from your loved ones - this is briefly touched on, but not strong enough to make us care or connect with anyone in this film.

To his credit, Kelly who also wrote the screenplay tries to craft a story leading to the incident we already know is coming - Establishing the motives and reasoning behind Sean's decision to later venture off on his own - the end of his partnership with King Cobra - and perhaps a message about the industry itself. With all this juggled, King Cobra falls under the weight of being just another "based on a true story".

For his role, Garret Clayton plays it slow and naive. A deer in headlights unsure of his prospects and goals. Christian Slater also good does his own interpretation of his character, playing him with aggression and lust. James Franco is fine in his role, but ultimately feels and still looks like James Franco playing a part - with Keegan Allen being the standout of the film.

King Cobra is a darkly entertaining exploit that although retains the true story element - would rather have style over substance.
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