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Download The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005 UK, USA) - Lang: English (HDTV MKV 720p 4.37Gb)

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Film description:

Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and threatens the annual giant vegetable growing contest. It's 'vege-mania' in Wallace and Gromit's neighborhood, and our two enterprising chums are cashing in with their humane pest-control outfit, "Anti-Pesto." With only days to go before the annual Giant Vegetable Competition, business is booming, but Wallace & Gromit are finding out that running a "humane" pest control outfit has its drawbacks as their West Wallaby Street home fills to the brim with captive rabbits. Suddenly, a huge, mysterious, veg-ravaging "beast" begins attacking the town's sacred vegetable plots at night, and the competition hostess, Lady Tottington, commissions Anti-Pesto to catch it and save the day.

The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Information about the film:

Original Title: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Country, Channel: UK, USA
Release Date: 2005
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Creator: Steve Box, Nick Park
Cast: Peter Sallis, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes
Runtime: 85min
Language: English
Quality: HDTV MKV 720p 4.37Gb
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The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Film Trailer:

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