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Download School of the Holy Beast (1974 Japan) - Lang: Japanese, Subs: English (DVDRip RbA 852x300 1.04Gb)

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Film description:

In order to investigate her mother's strange death, a woman enters a sacred convent run by hypocritical, perverse nuns. . .

After the mysterious death of her mother, a young woman chooses to enter a convent to find out what happened. As soon as the door closes to the nunnery, the nuns start torturing the woman. Also, the woman has to deal with a God-hating archbishop and a lesbian mother superior.

School of the Holy Beast aka Convent of the Sacred Beast (聖獣学園 Seijū gakuen?) is a film in the nunsploitation subgenre of Pinky violence made by Toei Company in 1974.

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School of the Holy Beast

Information about the film:

Original Title: Seijû gakuen
Country, Channel: Japan
Release Date: 1974
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Creator: Noribumi Suzuki
Cast: Yumi Takigawa, Emiko Yamauchi, Yayoi Watanabe, Ryouko Ima, Harumi Tajima, Natsuko Yashiro, Marie Antoinette, Emi Jô, Rie Saotome, Sanae Ôhori, Kyouko Negishi
Runtime: 91min
Language: Japanese, Subs: English
Quality: DVDRip RbA 852x300 1.04Gb
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  • Author: Soap
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  • 14 сентября 2016 21:52
A young woman (Yumi Takigawa) becomes a nun at the Sacred Heart Convent to find out what happened to her mother years earlier. She encounters a lesbian mother superior, lecherous archbishops, and uncovers many dark secrets. The convent also practices brutal discipline and encourages masochistic rituals such as self-flagellation. In one scene, two nuns are forced to strip to the waist and whip each other severely with heavy floggers. Later, Takigawa is tortured and whipped by a group of nuns armed with rose-thorns.

Norifumi Suzuki's "School of the Holy Beast" is a masterpiece in it's own right. This film about a girls journey into depravity is one of the most erotic films I have ever seen. With each new scene, it gets more beautiful, like an exotic, poisonous flower opening to reveal it's center. Filled with breathtaking color and endless mystery, this is the first film i have seen featuring the amazing actress Yumi Takigawa. She plays her part of Maya with a delicate and subtle perfection rarely seen in this genre of film. Maya is a modern Japanese woman, who enters the "Sacred Heart", a convent shrouded in lies, hypocrisy and sexual power games. It seems as if everyone has something to hide. This film seems to be a direct attack on the Catholic church. The beginning of the film is a bit deceptive, as we are led to believe that there will not be much in the way of a real story here. But when we find out the reason why the beautiful Maya has entered this place, the tension begins to mount. To hear certain people referring to these films as trash, and exploitation, saddens me greatly, as it is so undeserved here. This film is top-notch in every way. The camera work, the editing, the beautiful, dreamlike cinematography, is far superior to anything coming out of Hollywood these days. Sadly, this style of film making is a thing of the past. We are fortunate however, with the advent of DVD technology, that these little-known 1970's masterpieces are again available. One of the classiest, and most elegant Japanese "pink" films ever made. I give this one the highest rating.

Just picked this film up yesterday and it's a keeper. Cult Epics has put out another fine DVD from a lovely print.

Gotta say that, like many Asian films, this Japanese exploitationer tries hard to be un-PC and does it very well. But it does it so lightly that you have to admit it's pretty damn fun. Some people will be put off by the blasphemy, but if you're like me, it's the movie's biggest turn on.

School of the Holy Beast is more exploitation than horror liberally peppered with an astonishing level of violence and bloodspray and the fact is that it plays out like a very sleazy giallo. I don't know too much about nunsploitation so let me make that known right off the bat. If they're all as good as this one, though, I'll have to check some more out.

So the story kicks off by having Maya, the main character, living it up and getting drilled by an anonymous man on the day before she enters a convent. Now, it's illustrated over and again that nuns are sexually-repressed deviants who are driven to self-flagellate (topless, before the other nuns) for having impure thoughts. And if they don't police themselves, no worries, cuz the other nuns have no problem punishing one of their own for any sin. Most of their sins, btw, are sexual. You can see where this film is going.

As soon as Maya shows up at the convent, many of the junior nuns keep getting ratted out and punished. And boy, they sure don't like that. Rebellious nun Ishida confronts and clashes with Maya on several occasions, but the rat-outs persist. The entire run time of this film is devoted to the perverted goings-on of the nuns, including the vice abbess, as well as revealing the hidden motives of Maya and some of the higher-ups in the convent. I don't want to spoil any of the goodness for you. I can only say, go get this bad boy. It's trash of the most exquisite variety. And I have to mention that every perverted set-piece this movie employs is better than the one before. I give this film my highest recommendation.
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