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Download Ripper Street season 2 (2013 USA, UK, BBC America, BBC One) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

The action of Ripper Street season 2 still takes place in London at the end of the 19th century. 1889 became a dreadful year for London citizens when life of a rather quiet city got disturbed by a cruel and bloodthirsty murderer who later became known as “Ripper Jack” for his monstrous crimes. The best English detectives are chasing after the villain in vain while new crimes keep wreaking havoc among the people. In the new episodes Edmund Reid’s wife Emily leaves him after he gave her a false hope that their daughter is still alive. Rose Erskine quits Long Susan’s brothel and is now working as a waitress. Detective Sergeant Bennet Drake married a prostitute named Bella. Drake and Reid are joined by a new detective Albert Flight. Detective Reid is investigating a murder of a sergeant from the neighboring district which leads him to the Chinatown which crawls with drug dealers. Reid has to collaborate with Detective Jedediah Shine who spent ten years in this place of frivolous amusement. A woman is killed in the hospital right after giving a birth. An Irish terrorist Aiden Galvin goes at large and Chief Inspector is convinced that Irish Republican Brotherhood will liven up in London. He orders Reid to send Albert Flight to penetrate into the brotherhood and become friends with Galvin’s daughter.

Ripper Street season 2
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