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Download Masters of Sex season 4 (2016 USA, SHOWTIME) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

“Masters of Sex” is the series based on Thomas Maier’s work. Doctors William Howell Masters and Virginia Ellis Johnson research sexuality of the person. They make experiments in the most unusual sphere for a person – sex. They try to find out that brings to people pleasure during sex. Researchers try to track activity of a brain and reaction of a body to the events.

Masters of Sex season 4

Information about the film:

Original Title: Masters of Sex
Country, Channel: USA, SHOWTIME
Release Date: 2016
Genres: Drama, Romance
Creator: Michelle Ashford
Cast: Michael Sheen, Lizzy Caplan, Caitlin FitzGerald, Teddy Sears, Annaleigh Ashford, Kevin Christy, Beau Bridges, HelA©ne Yorke
Runtime: 60 min
Language: English
Episodes: 10
Quality: 1280x720
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  • Author: Soap
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  • 3 сентября 2016 22:19
The title "Masters of Sex" works on many levels and the creators of the show are well aware of the attention that this title will draw. This show is about the first scientific research in the area of sex based on the Masters and Johnson studies, who are the protagonists of the story set to the backdrop of the late 1950's at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. The set design is just about right and it very accurately represents the theme and ideology of the time. The characters are sketched out perfectly and there is no dearth of good acting performances with Michael Sheen stealing the show for his portrayal of the incredibly complex William Masters. The main part of the show is of course the study of human sexual response which implies a lot of mature content. These scenes, however tastefully done, may be a little too strong for the average viewer but if one can get over the explicit content, one can see their relevance to the plot. The story still seems a little empty at certain times but can be expected to fill up as it progresses with the introduction of new characters. All in all, a very well presented and unique show.
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