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Download Girls season 4 (2015 USA, HBO) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

What is the secret to a happy life? Good job, a stable relationship, self-fulfillment and the dream that one day come true… All that mentioned absent in a life of author’s hero Lina Denem. Lina and her friends are young and ambitious but they are not perfect, rather very realistic. Through the embarrassing way they recognize themselves and their friends. At the first look, you may to think it is the next fan fiction of “Sex and the City”, but it’s not. “Girls” show is proving to be far more interesting phenomena for generation of iPhones and Twitter. The four New York friends were deformed, have become less attractive and even less successful: fatty-writer, neurotic galeristka, inexperienced “business lady” and depraved blonde with addiction. Distorted ideals live their life in the big city, trying to catch hold of any opportunity to express themselves and to stay afloat. They prevent failures, complex, financial difficulties, strange lovers and the feeling that time is irrevocably gone, and you’re nobody. This is really one of the best and unusual series of recent years.

Girls season 4

Information about the film:

Original Title: Girls
Country, Channel: USA, HBO
Release Date: 2015
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Creator: Lena Dunham
Cast: Lena Dunham, Adam Driver, Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet, Allison Williams, Alex Karpovsky
Runtime: 30 min
Language: English
Episodes: 10
Quality: 640x360p
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