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Download Mad Men season 2 (2008 USA, AMC) - Lang: English (1280x720)

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Film description:

Mad Men season 2 takes place after less than a year after the events described in the first season. Don Draper and Duck Phillips begins a dispute over invoicing on Valentine's Day. Contradictions two ambitious managers are becoming stronger. They argues for any occasion, and their rivalry goes beyond the office. This is reflected in customers who are dissatisfied with the quality of service. Pete Campbell learns that his father died in a plane crash. This event seriously changed his outlook - a young man from a wealthy family forever burdened by the fact that he has to look in the eyes of relatives with dignity and to think about the image of the family. Despite the loss, Pete feels some relief. Former Don's secretary Peggy Olson went up the ladder and looking for a way to participate in the Board of Directors.

Mad Men season 2
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SD 480p

(1500~2500 kbit/s)

FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

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