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Download Akademia pana Kleksa (Antology) (1984, 1986, 2001 Poland) - Lang: Polish (RBA DVDRip MKV 480p 720p)

  • Post: Soap
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  • Comments: 1
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Film description:

Ten-year-old Adam, beginning his education at the Academy, finds the hideout of Bird Matt, who used to be a prince. Touched by his fate, he promises to find the magic button which has the power to restore him to human shape.

Akademia pana Kleksa
Podróze pana Kleksa
Tryumf Pana Kleksa

(Rip by Ahsoka)

Akademia pana Kleksa (Antology)

Information about the film:

Original Title: Akademia pana Kleksa
Country, Channel: Poland
Release Date: 1984, 1986, 2001
Genres: Family, Fantasy
Creator: Krzysztof Gradowski
Cast: Piotr Fronczewski, Slavek Wronka, Leon Niemczyk, Bronislaw Pawlik, Wieslaw Michnikowski, Adam Probosz
Runtime: 2h 38min
Language: Polish
Episodes: 5
Quality: RBA DVDRip MKV 480p 720p
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(3500~4500 kbit/s)
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Akademia pana Kleksa (Antology)

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 10 октября 2016 01:25
I wasn't going to post my own comment, but after reading Jibrielle's thoughts, I decided she was a bit too stringent in her opinions. This movie is definitely worth watching and worth showing to your children. Although the FX seem somewhat outdated, they're still quite amazing; besides, the combination of living actors and cartoon characters is a thrilling experience for kids. Who said that kids nowadays are only into sophisticated things?

Nah... They watch with sheer pleasure movies which were made back in the 1980-s, and 1970-s. Moreover, films like "Akademia" can give you and your kids something else, something which the newest blockbusters lack - these films convey a sense of an inward harmony, can teach you positive thinking and making (and keeping) friends. Now talk about individual isolation in modern society, as they call it. So, all doubts aside, go for it and enjoy!

"Akademia Pana Kleksa" Not sophisticated no no it has everything children in modern days like for example we have here a character named Alojzy Bąbel who is an android. The movie is a children story however it is actually quite good Science Fiction Still to understand it you need to watch the whole Trylogy: "Akademia Pana Kleksa" "Podróże Pana Kleksa" "Pan Kleks w kosmosie" Not based on a book (only a movie story) of course the original ending is the "Tryumf Pana Kleksa" which is however done in a different style !

Akademia is just the beginning of the adventures of Mr Kleks and introduces as more to the world are extraordinary researcher lives it is also the only movie which explains to us What is Mr Kleks real form (Cause he's not a human but just a magical object created by the legendary Chinese philosopher Paichiwo) so hows that ? This story can rival with Anime !
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