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Download Amazone (Lulu) (2000 France, Spain) - Lang: French (DVDRip RBA MKV 358p 720p)

  • Post: Soap
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  • Comments: 1
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Film description:

On an observatory set high on a mountain, astronomers make a stunning discovery somewhere out in the galaxy. A flying object in the depths of the cosmos is showing signs of life, emitting an intelligent signal. The UFO has just landed on Earth somewhere in the midst of a rainforest. Margot, the enthusiastic young woman heading up the research team, decides to go to the spot and check out this phenomenon. Meanwhile Edouard, our hero, studies the flora and fauna of the tree tops in the rainforest. He perches on an enormous net that stretches over the still pure, unadulterated forest that spreads out beneath him. He discovers a naked little twelve-year old girl seated on the net. He covers her with a broad banana leaf and asks where she comes from. She quickly replies, in perfect French 'from another world'.
Also Known As (AKA): Lulu, Amazon, Amazonka

Rip by Ahsoka

Amazone (Lulu)
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FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!


Amazone (Lulu)

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  • Author: Soap
  • Group: Administrators offline
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  • 4 октября 2016 23:52
This French film should go straight to the guillotine! It's an insult to the French film industry. But as I am a generous person I'll give it 4/10. Now don't go racing off to collect a DVD just to see why I am making such a fuss. Take my word for it.

The film opens with a stupendous waterfall. Magnificent. Just take in the sight and sound! Is this a promise of what is to follow? Sadly no. What follows is a disaster.

The film has little or no story. What action there is revolves around three people, a retired dentist seeking solitude in the jungle, a twelve year old who happened to drop in from a far away planet and an excitable woman astronomer seeking out the site where a UFO had apparently hit the earth. In the film the characters are wet most of the time due to the frequent showers or falling into the river. As a consequence the man reluctantly gives them shelter This knits together what story there is. There are frequent arguments and the women keep running away and have to be saved from the dangers of the jungle.

Nearby there is a depression in the earth no bigger than a preserving pan which attracts the attention of the astronomer who whereupon quizzes one of the local natives (who cannot understand a word of French)about the indentation in the earth. Stranger still is the fact that the girl from the distant planet speaks French fluently.

There is a band of kidnappers combing the river to see where they can make a buck or two. Eventually they kidnap the little girl and make off with her.

Belmondo in excellent bewhiskered make-up as the elderly man has not much to do and one wonders why he accepted the part in the first place. On the other hand the incidental music is very good and worthy of a much better production. The same can be said of the photography. The main fault is the choice of material. Some scenarios are best left untouched on the shelf.

You won't find many reviews of this one. I think I've told you why..
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