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Download Bilitis (1977 France, Italy) - Lang: France, Subtitle: English (BRRip RbA MKV 512p 720p 1080p)

  • Post: Soap
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Film description:

A coming of age story centering on the exploits of a young girl during summer vacation. . .

"Bilitis" (Fr. Bilitis.) - A feature film in 1977 co-produced in France and Italy, erotic melodrama, filmed directed by David Hamilton. The script was written by writer Catherine Breillat, based on the book of prose poems by French writer Pierre Louis (fr. Pierre Louÿs) «Les chansons de Bilitis».

Starring in the film performed by Patty D'Arbanvill Mona Christensen, Bernard Giraudeau, Mathieu Carrière and Ira Bochenko. The premiere took place on March 16, 1977 in France, later the film was shown in many European countries and the United States.

(Rip by Ahsoka)


Information about the film:

Original Title: Bilitis
Country, Channel: France, Italy
Release Date: 1977
Genres: Drama, Romance
Creator: David Hamilton
Cast: Patti D'Arbanville, Mona Kristensen, Bernard Giraudeau, Mathieu Carrière, Irka Bochenko, Jacqueline Fontaine, Marie-Thérèse Caumont, Germaine Delbat, Madeleine Damien, Camille Larivière, Catherine Leprince, Jane Buckle, Sabine, Mirella Rancelot
Runtime: 95min
Language: France, Subtitle: English
Quality: BRRip RbA MKV 512p 720p 1080p
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  • Author: Soap
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  • 18 сентября 2016 23:18
The film tells the erotic adventures of a young girl during the summer holidays. This girl - a fifteen year old pupil of the boarding school for girls of Bilitis. She is in love with the photographer Luc, but physical intimacy is not attracted to her man, she wants to sublime and tender feelings. Such relationships Bilitis is trying to find another girl.

She is Melissa, a friend of the parents of Bilitis. Melissa was already married, but the marriage is unhappy, her husband was rude to her and inattentive. Bilitis Melissa invites to their summer vacation. But the girls love relationship even though they were happy, but not for long - Melissa, as a more experienced and mature, terminate their relationship. Bilitis trying to find his ex-mistress pleasant and responsive partner, as a result, she herself faced with his first life drama.


The first Time i saw "Bilitis" in a Cinema, fascination took over the wonderful Images of David Hamilton. I think i went 6 or 7 times to watch "Bilitis" in the Cinema when it came out. I always wanted to buy the Film but couldn't get it and after many years of waiting i finally found a VHS-Cassette on a Fleamarket. My Luck: Great condition.

Unfortunately this Movie is often listed as a "Adult"-Movie, but it's not and to my opinion the most misunderstood Movie in it's Genre. This Film shows very deeply the Emotions from a Female point of view, with all up's and down's.

"Bilitis" is one of these rare Movies that must be watched more than once to really get all the fine Details in the Images and Story. Sure, it contains a lot Erotic Moments but in a very beautiful and tasteful manner, unseen before.

For me a "must have" in a Movie Collection and this is why i rate this Movie as "Excelent".
This is an sensuous film with beautiful teenaged girls lovingly filmed undressing, and then playing, in a lake.
In fact an edited version of 30 minutes would make my favourite film of all time. The pity is the other 60 minutes.
My critique can be broken up into great, mediocre and disappointing.
Without a doubt this film has the most erotic and sensous scenes I have ever scene. Specifically:
Full frontal nudity of teenaged girls undressing, and then playing, in the lake;
Dormitory scenes with Bilitis and her bestfriend;
Semi-nude of love scenes between Melissa [Mona Kristensen]and Bilitis [Patti D'Arbanville];
Bilitis having Melissa help undress Bilitis after a sea-side swim; and
Theatrical performance with girls in see-through costumes.
The tension between Melissa and her husband, Pierre [Gilles Kohler];
The scenes of pre-war semi-rural France;
The costume recreations-especially with the teenaged girls' school clothing.

The lead male, Lucas [Bernard Giraudeau], who was a weak male-chauvinist. Maybe as this was a girls' boarding school there was a shortage of attractive boys/men around, and so they would have fantasised about any youngish new man who appeared on the scene.

It would have been better if Bilitis and Pierre were attracted to one another as that that would have created sexual tension. He was the only male character that I liked, yet he only appeared in a few scenes.

If not tension between Bilitis and Pierre , then between Pierre and the girl he was taking to the equestrian event in Monaco.

Patti D'urbanville at 26-27 playing a 16-17 year old. Although the use of a substitute teenaged figure for the sensuous scenes were used.


I loved it.
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