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Download The Annunciation (1984 Hungary, Duna) - Lang: Hungarian, Sub: English (TVRip RBA MKV 540p)

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Film description:

Angyali udvozlet - Angyali üdvözlet, aka "The Annunciation", is a surreal account of the history of humanity as portrayed entirely by children between the ages of 8 and 12. The film begins with the biblical story as Adam (Péter Bocsor) and Eve (Júlia Mérö), are deceived by Lucifer (Eszter Gyalog) -- three very photogenic leads -- into tasting the "Forbidden Fruit". They are thus chased out of the Garden of Eden by the Angel of Death and, in a vision, sent on an existential journey through western European history.

Always followed closely and influenced by the deceptively sweet, but contemptuous Lucifer, we follow Adam through The Plague, wars, Byzantium's wretched cripples, the French Revolution, the squalor of Dickensian London, and a final return to the scene of the crucifixion. Of course the picture makes a case for its premise -- that of the consequences of Original Sin -- yet does so in a very unique way. In the closing scene, Lucifer says, "Why did I strive to achieve greatness in man, who is...in knowlege a pygmy, in blindness a giant?" This reflects the somewhat nihilistic view of a nation still under the boot of Soviet communism.

This rare movie may be one of the best (and only child-starred) art films ever.

The Annunciation

Information about the film:

Original Title: Angyali üdvözlet
Country, Channel: Hungary, Duna
Release Date: 1984
Genres: Drama, History
Creator: András Jeles
Cast: Péter Bocsor, Júlia Mérö, Eszter Gyalog, György Belme, Róbert Borók, Attila Dobay, Evelin Fehér, Réka Gévai, Ferenc Foltányi, Mariann Kaposi, László Jenei, Mónika Oláh, Katalin Köhler, Attila Rácz, András Papp Takács
Runtime: 95min
Language: Hungarian, Sub: English
Quality: TVRip RBA MKV 540p
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The Annunciation

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  • Author: Soap
  • Group: Administrators offline
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  • 15 ноября 2016 00:36
The Annunciation (in Hungarian: Angyali üdvözlet) is a Hungarian film directed by András Jeles in 1984, based on The Tragedy of Man (1861) by Imre Madách.

When Adam (Péter Bocsor) and Eve (Júlia Mérő), having succumbed to Lucifer's temptation, are cast out of the Garden of Eden, Adam holds Lucifer (Eszter Gyalog) to his promise, reminding him that "You said I would know everything!". So Lucifer grants Adam a dream of the world to come. And what a bizarre dream: Adam becomes Djoser in Egypt; Miltiades in Athens; a wealthy Roman during the time of Jesus Christ; a knight called Tancred in Byzantium; Kepler in Prague; Danton in revolutionary Paris; and a nameless suitor in Victorian London. Guided by a deceptively sweet but ultimately contemptuous Lucifer, Adam confronts an endless procession of the horror of the human story ... rapists and concubines, betrayal and savagery, mindless cruelty and fanaticism.

I am afraid that nobody will understand this movie unless he or she doesn't know one of the greatest Hungarian dramatic play of the XIXth century: The Tragedy of Man, written by Imre Madách. The plot: after the loss of the garden of Eden, Lucifer, the demon of Denial shows to Adam and Eve the different ages of mankind, to prove them that there is no reason for them to live. In their dream they live for a while in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, in medieval Byzantium, in the revolutionary Paris, etc. This is a romantic and pessimistic vision -- with a strange, optimistic ending. The director of this movie had a great idea: he has chosen not grown up actors and actresses, but little boys and girls, so the plot is even more complex, more poetic and more visionary. A beautiful movie to watch -- but if you don't know the drama of Madách, perhaps you won't understand everything. Anyway, it is worth the time!

The Annunciation is a film which you should watch when you have nothing better to do on an otherwise humdrum day. From the first to last this movie is a kaleidoscope of images, created to mesmerize the mind. Director Andras Jeles uses child actors to weave a visual tapestry of Godly virtues and human weakness intertwine with historical events. Somewhere between the Creation of Man and his Redemption, the viewer is set adrift in a sea of spectral images, who' purpose is known only to the director or to Pablo Picasso. Despite some provocative moments such as baring all with a nude Adam and Eve, the collage of words and historical settings the film overwhelm the viewer and destroys what little message the director intended to impart. From a Western point of view this film is far too complicated to be easily absorbed and thus fails to be recognized as anything but an art form gone mad.
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