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Download Ronja Rövardotter (1984 Sweden, Norway) - Lang: Swedish, Sub: English (BRRip MKV 480p 720p 1080p)

  • Post: Soap
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Film description:

Borka and his band and Mattis's band of robbers are rivals. Birk, his parents and their band live in the wild in Mattisforrest. They move in to Metis-stronghold, which belonged to his ancestors, in an attempt to escape being caught by the king's men. The children have to learn to live in the woods.

(Rip by Ahsoka)

Ronja Rövardotter

Information about the film:

Original Title: Ronja Rövardotter
Country, Channel: Sweden, Norway
Release Date: 1984
Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Family, Fairy tale
Creator: Tage Danielsson
Cast: Hanna Zetterberg, Dan Hеfstrom, Borje Ahlstedt, Lena Nyman, Allan Edwall, Per Oscarsson, Med Reventberg, Ulf Isenborg, Henry Ottenby, Björn Wallde, Tommy Körberg, Rune Andersson, Claes Janson, Bo Bergstrand, Rolf Dahlgren
Runtime: 121min
Language: Swedish, Sub: English
Quality: BRRip MKV 480p 720p 1080p
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Ronja Rövardotter

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 12 октября 2016 22:46
I must have seen this film at least 50 times........It's so wonderful, that I even watch it now from time to time, just to experience that amazing feeling of joy, wonder and adventure it gave me. I don't speak any Swedish, but still I know all the lines by heart, just by seeing it so many times !

I saw it for the first time when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I was totally amazed. Amazed by this simple story about an 11-year-old girl living in a medieval castle ( surrounded by a huge forest )with a gang of hairy robbers and her stern but loving mother. Her father is the leader of the band, and regards himself as the greatest and bravest robber that ever roamed the woods. Her world is also inhabited by strange creatures, from little gnome-like creatures to flying evil birdlike witches. When her father discovers her friendship with the son of another leader of a gang of robbers ( and therefore his sworn enemy ), she leaves home and settles with Birk ( the boy ) in a cave in the woods. Together they try to survive until their fathers stop hating each other (which eventually happens).

Ronja immediately became my role-model. She showed me that girls can stand up for themselves just as boys, and that women can be just as tough as men. This simple story deals with all basic things in life : friendship, doing what you think is right, following your heart, stand up for yourself and facing the dangers and problems in life with your chin up and your back straight. The element of fantasy and all the creatures make it a great movie for children, but I believe even younger children will appreciate the story of friendship and love too, and will capture the important messages that this movie carries.

I have it on tape, and I hope that I will be able to watch it some day with my daughter(s). I think this film should especially be watched by girls, since Astrid lindgren has put in it a special message for them. But apart from that, it's a film that can be watched and enjoyed by anyone between the age of 5 and 105 ! In my opinion one of the best, if not THE best children's movie ever made ! Watch it, and be a kid again. Watch it, and see the basic things that make life worth living.

I saw this film for the first time when I was about 7 years old (only a few years after it's release in 1984). My mother first wouldn't let me see it, because she thought it would be too scary for me. I'm still glad she changed her mind!

I had never seen a film like this before.... From the very first scene until the last I was totally captivated by the medieval/fantasy world and this brave, strongminded girl. And the surroundings, WOW! What adventurous kid (and I was) wouldn't want such a forest to roam in? Every time I finished watching it (and I saw it MANY times!), I immediately ran outdoors and pretended I was Ronja for the rest of the day (including her "Spring-scream" :-)

The film is about an 11-year old girl, Ronja, who lives in a huge medieval castle in the middle of a vast and wild forest. Her macho father Mattis is the leader of a band of twelve robbers who roam the woods and rob the travelers passing through. The night Ronja is born there is a storm, and lightning makes the castle split in two, with a huge abyss in the middle. One day, Ronja spots a boy on the other side of the gap...It's the first child she has ever seen, and he turns out to be Birk, the 11-year old son of another leader of robbers who have moved into the other half of Mattis' castle! They become friends and secretly meet and play in the woods.

Of course, Ronja's very macho (but also very sweet) father goes bananas when he learns about these intruders.... He captures Birk, but that proves too much for Ronja. She and Birk decide to leave their crazy fathers and to live in a cave in the forest until their fathers come to their senses and stop fighting.... Eventually they do, but untill that moment a lot of adventures happen! I'm in my twenties now, and I still love this film as much as the first time I saw it as a child. It just has everything, as do all Astrid Lindrens childrens books. The way in which Lindgren manages to take difficult situations and problems and make them understandable for children is really amazing.

The story is about growing up, betrayal, choosing sides (even if that means standing up to your father), leaving home, looking after yourself, the death of a grandparent and eventually the proof that family bonds can not easily be broken. If I watch it now I can't help noticing that these themes are very mature, not the happy "Disney-themes" you would expect in a childrens film (especially a Hollywood production) at all. But Lindgren succeeded in making these big, important themes very accessible and understandable for (even very little) children. And the feminist element in all her stories was way ahead of its time!

Ronja immediately became my role-model, and the medieval world captured my imagination (as it still does; I study Medieval History at university now). The many fantasy-elements are great too, and make the story very suitable for little children as well as adults.

Ronja has a special place in my heart from the first time I saw her. This heartwarming film carries important messages about growing up, life, family, friendship and death, but never gets too heavy or incomprehensible for little children. I think every child (and especially girls) should watch it, but since it is a Swedish film I don't think it will ever reach a wide audience. I live in The Netherlands and had to order the DVD in Sweden (without subtitles, but I don't care. I now it by heart!).

Anyway, I think "Ronja the Robber's Daughter" is a gem among children's films, a timeless masterpiece that will captivate even the latest generation of 21th-century kids. If you can get your hands on it, rent/buy it and watch it with your children!

A classic novel into a great movie! The acting, the singing... the feeling of the robbers are true. They are there, just before your eyes, dancing, hunting and fighting. Though the novel was originally for children but this fantasy-story is suitable for everyone! Don't miss it! :-)
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