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Download Gossip Girl season 5 (2011 USA, CW) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

In Gossip Girl season 5 wealthy graduates of a prestigious private school at Upper East Side in New York are still under Gossip Girl’s close attention. The Gossip Girl herself refuses to reveal her real name and never appears in the show. The action of season 5 begins in Los Angeles where Serena got a job at a shooting area. Chuck and Nate are visiting her. Trying to forget Blair, Chuck starts dating a stuntwoman named Zoe Bell. Nate falls for an older woman again. This time it’s a charming media magnate Diana Payne. After they come back to New York she offers him a job as a columnist in her edition. Nate doesn’t suspect that Diana’s interest is motivated by his grandfather William Vanderbilt who is making big plans for his grandson’s future. Blair is consumed with preparations for her wedding with Prince Louis which really stresses her out. Moreover, she finds out that she is pregnant and by the wedding day her condition will be obvious to the guests. But for the moment she is trying to conceal her pregnancy from everybody including Louis.

Gossip Girl season 5
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