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Download Mike and Molly season 5 (2015 USA, CBS) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

The series in season 5 centers on couple Mike and Molly who meet at a Chicago Overeaters Anonymous group and fall in love. The main hero of the series is a cop Mike Briggs, who turned out to be real proof of the opinion that a good man should be plenty. This guy is suffering from overweight and really wants to get rid of extra pounds. But his partner Carl McMillan has no such problem - he is thin, but at the same time too talkative. Poor old Mike is the object of constant jokes by Charles, although he does not do it out of malice - he really wants to help his partner to lose weight. One day, Mike meets Molly Flynn - an elementary school teacher, who also can not boast of a slim figure. For her weight loss is more difficult, because her sister and mother in any way are not ashamed of their excess weight, and even proud of their healthy appetite and plush figures. Mike and Molly in season 5 found each other a lot in common - both have a craving for tasty but unhealthy food, and both are dreaming to get rid of this unhealthy habit. However, it appears that mutual love is a stronger feeling than the desire to enjoy a tasty dish. Thus, the visiting clubhouse Overeaters Anonymous, where they met our protagonists was a fateful event. For them it was a new starting point in their lives, and for us, the opportunity to watch the adventures of these lovely and good-natured fatties. Mike and Molly season 5 premiers at fall 2014.

Mike and Molly season 5

Information about the film:

Original Title: Mike and Molly
Country, Channel: USA, CBS
Release Date: 2015
Genres: Comedy
Creator: Mark Roberts
Cast: Billy Gardell, Melissa McCarthy, Reno Wilson, Katy Mixon, Nyambi Nyambi, Swoosie Kurtz, Louis Mustillo, Rondi Reed, Cleo King
Runtime: 22 minutes
Language: English
Episodes: 22
Quality: 640x360p
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