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Download The Unit season 3 (2008 USA, CBS) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

Jonas is pursued by a mysterious assassin, and meets up with Mariana, a CIA operative from the 2nd season. Colonel Ryan meets up with his wife, who has sold out secrets about the unit that prompted the investigation and subsequent shutdown of the unit. Finally, Jonas makes a shocking discovery. A VX nerve agent bomb has been stolen from a nearby military arsenal. While Mack mans the TOC, Jonas leads the other Team members on an attempt to recover the stolen bomb. When the bomb is loaded on a plane, Bob pursues it on another plane. On base, an accident between Mack and Tiffy in the garage is misinterpreted as a domestic dispute and Ryan orders Mack to move to the BEQ. Kim tries to start a military talk show at the radio station.

The Unit season 3

Information about the film:

Original Title: The Unit
Country, Channel: USA, CBS
Release Date: 2008
Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller
Creator: David Mamet
Cast: Dennis Haysbert, Regina Taylor, Audrey Marie Anderson, Robert Patrick, Max Martini, Abby Brammell, Scott Foley, Michael Irby, Demore Barnes, Alyssa Shafer, Kavita Patil, Danielle Hanratty, Nicole Steinwedell, Rebecca Pidgeon, Sammi Hanratty
Runtime: 43-45 minutes
Language: English
Episodes: 11
Quality: 640x360p
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Film Trailer:

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