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Download Elementary season 1 (2012 USA, CBS) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

TV series "Elementary" begins when a genius detective Sherlock Holmes is back in New York after he spent several years in England, consulting Scotland Yard. He came back to America for 2 reasons: drug addiction and some woman. Sherlock Holmes offers his service of a consulting detective to his old acquaintance New York police captain Captain Thomas Gregson. Knowing about Holmes’ outstanding faculties, captain Gregson accepts the offer. Sherlock has strained relationship with his father who is trying to convince him to go through a rehabilitation course. Holmes senior hires a former surgeon doctor Joan Watson to settle in Brooklyn in the same house with Sherlock and help him go back to normal life. However, soon after Watson meets Holmes she gets involved in an investigation of a tangled case – death of a person during a failed house robbery.

Elementary season 1

Information about the film:

Original Title: Elementary
Country, Channel: USA, CBS
Release Date: 2012
Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Creator: Robert Doherty
Cast: Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Aidan Quinn, Jon Michael Hill, Vinnie Jones, Natalie Dormer, Ato Essandoh, Candis Cayne
Runtime: 43–46 minutes
Language: English
Episodes: 24
Quality: 640x360p
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Film Trailer:

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