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Download Full Metal Panic! (season 3) The Second Raid (2005 Japan, Kyoto) - Lang: English, Japanese (BDR MKV 720p 7.11Gb)

  • Post: Soap
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Film description:

This is the sequel to the first Full Metal Panic! series and starts where the first series left off. Sousuke is back and is having a hard time mixing school and his military job, but things are not going to be easy for Sagara and his friends, because a secret organization wants to eliminate Mithril and carry on their evil plans. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (フルメタル TSR Furumetaru TSR) is the direct sequel to the original anime series. It was produced by Kyoto Animation and ran for 13 episodes. The series is based on the Ending Day by Day novels and takes place three months after the events that occurred in the Tuatha de Danaan at the end of the original Full Metal Panic! series. Mithril learns of a secret organization that has technology able to counter the ECS (Electronic Conceal System) mode. The organization, known as Amalgam, has access to Black Technology, which was obtained from the Whispered. Like the other intelligence agencies, Amalgam intends to obtain more. Sousuke's mission to protect Chidori is terminated by Mithril, instead leaving her in the care of an anonymous agent known as Wraith.

Full Metal Panic! (season 3) The Second Raid

Information about the film:

Original Title: フルメタル TSR Furumetaru TSR
Country, Channel: Japan, Kyoto
Release Date: 2005
Genres: Anime, Action, Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Mecha, Military, School
Creator: Yasuhiro Takemoto
Cast: Tomokazu Seki, Satsuki Yukino, Akio Ôtsuka
Runtime: 23min
Language: English, Japanese
Episodes: 13+2 OVA
Quality: BDR MKV 720p 7.11Gb
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Full Metal Panic! (season 3) The Second Raid

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 4 апреля 2017 18:05

I've got to say, what I've seen of Fumoffu was a bit plot-light, and even the first series had its duller moments, but at thirteen episodes TSR packs so much in! Expect to see more action, faster AS battles, scarier bad guys (seriously... Gates has *issues*).

Unfortunately for fans of Fumoffu, neither Hayashimizu nor Ren Mikihara have speaking parts in this series, although Ren can be seen briefly in one scene. Much of the story takes place aboard TDD-1, and that means more Kurz and Mao, and even a little background on Tessa's family!

The animation is wicked smooth with clean, sharp lines and plenty of background detail. Voice actors for this series are excellent (my personal favourite being Miki Shinchiro, who plays Kurz =^_^=) and towards the end of the series it's hard to believe that the anguish played out by Souske is line drawings and a voice actor in a studio. Completely convincing- good job that man. According to native speakers of Chinese, the voice actors in this series sound a little stiff, and the same is presumably true for Italians, but for the rest of us the diversity of this series is great. (I personally have issues with Mao's pronunciation of the words 'Rock and Roll'... probably not the best choice of words for a Japanese voice actress). ~_~'

Anyway, wicked plot, great pacing, good character expo, awesome character development, particularly for Souske. Spectacular animation. The background music won't survive more that one or two listens out of context, but the energetic and heartfelt 'Minamikaze' (South Wind) of the title theme is excellent, and the slower closing theme has plenty of fans. Look forward to this!

Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (フルメタル TSR Furumetaru TSR?) is the direct sequel to the original anime series. It was produced by Kyoto Animation and ran for 13 episodes. The series is based on the Ending Day by Day novels and takes place three months after the events that occurred in the Tuatha de Danaan at the end of the original Full Metal Panic! series. Mithril learns of a secret organization that has technology able to counter the ECS (Electronic Conceal System) mode. The organization, known as Amalgam, has access to Black Technology, which was obtained from the Whispered. Like the other intelligence agencies, Amalgam intends to obtain more. Sousuke's mission to protect Chidori is terminated by Mithril, instead leaving her in the care of an anonymous agent known as Wraith.

There is a one episode OVA that takes place after Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid. It's a humorous stand-alone story. It focuses on the Captain of the Tuatha De Danaan: Teletha Tessa Testarossa, rather than the two main characters of the series. The OVA is based on short story Wari to Hima na Sentaichou no Ichi Nichi (A comparatively leisurely day of the squadron commander) in short story collection Dounimo Naranai Gori Muchuu (Helpless in five ri of fog?, the 里 kanji in the title is pronounced ri and is the name of an old Japanese unit of length). The story is also told in chapters 13 & 14 in Full Metal Panic Sigma Volume 04.
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