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Download La Femme Nikita season 5 (2001 Canada, CTV, USA Network) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

Falsely accused of killing a police officer, Nikita is sentenced to life in prison. Soon afterward, she is recruited into Section One when the organization fakes her suicide. As the only truly innocent recruit into Section, her compassion and sympathy constantly conflicts with the often ruthless orders she is given. After spending two years being trained by Michael, Nikita learns to use her beauty as a weapon and becomes an expert in martial arts and ordnance. Initially reluctant to kill (she uses creative measures to avoid having to commit a murder during her first mission), she eventually becomes more efficient at doing so. As field operative level 2, she is used in a wide variety of capacities, from "valentine operative" to assassin, despite her moral qualms, but manages to hold on to her humanity while working for the organization. Eventually, she and Michael become romantically involved, a development that threatens not only their standing in Section One, but their very lives. Their relationship is seen as a threat by Operations and Madeline, and they use a mind-altering method on Nikita to rid her of all emotions. Michael manages to reverse the process, but Nikita's performance takes a more professional tone. In the 5th season, Nikita works directly for Center and evaluates all section One staff. Nikita discovers the real reason she was taken into Section —her father was Mr Jones, the head of Center, the organization that controls Section. His plan was to make Nikita take over as head of Section One and eventually Center. In the series finale, he sacrifices himself to achieve these goals.

La Femme Nikita season 5

Information about the film:

Original Title: La Femme Nikita
Country, Channel: Canada, CTV, USA Network
Release Date: 2001
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance
Creator: Joel Surnow
Cast: Peta Wilson, Don Francks, Eugene Robert Glazer, Roy Dupuis, Matthew Ferguson, Alberta Watson, Carlo Rota, Lindsay Collins, Cindy Dolenc, Lawrence Bayne, David Hemblen
Runtime: 44-45 minutes
Language: English
Episodes: 8
Quality: 640x360p
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