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Download Warehouse 13 season 4 (2012 USA, SyFy) - Lang: English (WEB-DL MKV 1280x720 720p)

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Film description:

Warehouse 13 season 4 focuses on the Warehouse 13 team which includes Agent Pete Lattimer who always finds creative approach to work and Agent Myka Bering who always follows the rules. Their boss Artie Nielsen is the storekeeper. Mrs. Irene Frederick is the director and supervisor of Warehouse 13 who has telepathic connection with it and knows everything about all the objects contained there. In the previous seasons the team was joined by Claudia Donovan, a computer genius, and Steve Jinks, a walking lie-detector. In the new season Artie goes back in time in order to change the reality and prevent the destruction of the Warehouse. In the meantime, Peter and Myka are investigating the case of a monster with tentacles. Claudia tries to bring Steve back to life. Adrian from Vatican finds Artie and asks him for help. The team of secret agents visits Sykes’ warehouse but it turns out that the box with artifacts has been pawned…

Warehouse 13 season 4
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SD 480p

(1500~2500 kbit/s)

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(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

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