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Download Hunter Street season 1 (2017 US, Nickelodeon) - Lang: English (640x360p; 720p)

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Film description:

In the family of the Hunters all children are adopted, but they are not distinguishable from their relatives, they love their parents and each other, and parents in their turn devote all their free time to them, and they love them no less than the children themselves. Five children plus two parents are exactly a family, close-knit, strong, friendly family of the Hunters. So they would have lived happily, but an unforeseen happened, once the parents disappeared without telling anything to upset children. Then the young Hunters decided not to show that their family was unhappy, and they themselves took up the search for the parents of the disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Hunter Street  season 1

Information about the film:

Original Title: Hunter Street
Country, Channel: US, Nickelodeon
Release Date: 2017
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Family
Creator: Melle Runderkamp, Reint Scholvinck
Cast: Stony Blyden, Maemae Renfrow, Kyra Isako Smith, Thomas Jansen, Daan Creyghton, Yootha Wong-Loi-Sing, Barnaby Savage
Runtime: 22 min
Language: English
Episodes: 20
Quality: 640x360p; 720p
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The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

Film Trailer:

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