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Download You Me Her season 1 (2016 USA, Netflix) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

What begins as an impulsive "date" between suburban husband Jack and neophyte escort Izzy, spins into a whirlwind three-way sexual affair including Jack's wife Emma, who has been keeping secrets of her own. Over a span of just 10 days, their "arrangement" breaks free of its financial bonds to become something else entirely: A real romance, with real stakes, involving three real people, confronting viewers with the compelling question: What if your best, truest, happiest life looked nothing like you thought it would? Would you be brave enough to live it?

You Me Her season 1

Information about the film:

Original Title: You Me Her
Country, Channel: USA, Netflix
Release Date: 2016
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Creator: John Scott Shepherd
Cast: Greg Poehler, Rachel Blanchard, Priscilla Faia, Melanie Papalia, Jennifer Spence, Jarod Joseph, Chelah Horsdal, Ennis Esmer, Laine MacNeil, Patrick Gilmore
Runtime: 25-30 minutes
Language: English
Episodes: 10
Quality: 640x360p
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Film Trailer:

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