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Download MythBusters (Season 2004) (2004 USA, Australia, Discovery) - Lang: English (HDTV MKV 720p)

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Film description:

The cast of the television series MythBusters perform experiments to verify or debunk urban legends, old wives' tales, and the like. This is a list of the various myths tested on the show as well as the results of the experiments (the myth is Busted, Plausible, or Confirmed).

Sealing a decommissioned DC-9, seating Buster, and pressurizing it to 8 psi (55 kPa), the team remotely fired a 9×19mm pistol through the window, then the fuselage. Neither resulted in more than a 9 mm (0.35 in) hole, so they wired a window with detonating cord, which blows the window out, but fails to suck more than Buster's arm through. A 100-grain (6.5 g) shaped charge successfully caused catastrophic failure. They reviewed Aloha Airlines Flight 243, where a Boeing 737 safely landed despite an explosive decompression. . .


009 (012) S04E01 Explosive Decompression - January 11, 2004
010 (013) S04E02 Chicken Gun - January 18, 2004
011 (014) S04E03 Break Step Bridge - January 25, 2004
012 (015) S04E04 Sinking Titanic - February 22, 2004
013 (016) S04E05 Buried in Concrete - February 25, 2004
014 (017) S04E06 Myths Revisited - June 8, 2004
015 (018) S04E07 Scuba Diver and Car Capers - July 27, 2004
016 (019) S04E08 Ancient Death Ray - September 29, 2004
017 (020) S04E09 Elevator of Death, Levitation Machine - October 6, 2004
018 (021) S04E10 Beat the Radar Detector - October 13, 2004
019 (022) S04E11 Quicksand - October 20, 2004
020 (023) S04E12 Exploding Jawbreaker - October 27, 2004
021 (024) S04E13 Pingpong Rescue - November 3, 2004
022 (025) S04E14 Boom-Lift Catapult - November 10, 2004
023 (026) S04E15 Exploding House - November 16, 2004
024 (027) S04E16 Ming Dynasty Astronaut - December 5, 2004
SP1 (028) S04E17 Viewers-Choice/Christmas Special - December 22, 2004

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MythBusters (Season 2004)

Information about the film:

Original Title: MythBusters
Country, Channel: USA, Australia, Discovery
Release Date: 2004
Genres: Documentary, Mystery, Reality-TV
Creator: Peter Rees
Cast: Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage
Runtime: 45min
Language: English
Episodes: 17
Quality: HDTV MKV 720p
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MythBusters (Season 2004)

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  • Author: Soap
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  • 28 октября 2016 19:21
This show is nothing but fun. You can only hope that some of the individuals who pass on these urban myths will watch this and start using there head when it comes to passing on these ridiculous stories. That being said, it's a lot of fun watching these guys use science, engineering, and art to debunk, or in some cases prove possible some the stories we've all heard while growing up. Well worth watching, for all ages.

I didn't think it was possible, but this show actually makes the scientific method fun. I love this show, and this is what I call good television. I think it's highly entertaining, and educational. Did you know most eel skin wallets or actually made out of hagfish? Just a snippet of what you might learn on this show. The two hosts also make a great team, Jamie with his sarcasm, and Adam is just crazy and hilarious. It's the only show I watch on discovery channel.

Mythbusters is one of my 'don't miss it' programs.

I don't think I've ever seen quite the talent for destruction that Adam & Jamie share. Nearly every episode has to feature a myth involving things blowing up, or shattering into thousands of pieces. And I LOVE it!

Their enjoyment for what they do, whether seen in Adam's nearly boundless enthusiasm, or in Jamies much more controlled attitude, along with the well-known & lesser-known myths that are proved or 'busted' each week make Mythbusters a winner.

Highly entertaining, and educational.

Rarely do we, the television audience, experience the privilege of a show that is equal parts educational and entertaining. Not that I'm learning anything from it, mind you, but other people very well might.

The simple premise is that our two hosts, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, recreate the conditions of popular myths to verify or, as is more often the case, bust them. Of course, a premise alone does not a good show make. The fun comes from watching Jamie and Adam gleefully trounce the sometimes ridiculous stories. Adam is the energetic and outgoing one, taking every opportunity to goof off and make the work look more like play, whereas Jamie reacts to things with a much drier sense of humor and is somewhat more sarcastic. I was as disappointed as anyone upon learning of the inclusion of three "Jr. Mythbusters" for the second season, but my concern was ill-founded, as I realized that they had just as much personality as Jamie and Adam, and my conclusion is that anyone who thinks the show has gone downhill as a result of the new additions is simply averse to any change whatsoever. The show remains a favorite.

On a side note, you really have to admire how smart these guys are. Most of what they do can be traced back to physics, which makes me respect them all the more, based on my consistent inability to grasp the simplest of concepts in this particular field.
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