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Download Ice season 1 (2016-2017 USA, DirecTv) - Lang: English (640x360p;720p)

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Film description:

These new detective series “Ice” suggest the audience to plunge into the international diamond business, generally of course, criminal. In the center of a plot there is the family Green — who already throughout two generations trades diamonds in Los Angeles, having own jewelry salon. But the series geography isn’t limited to one city at all, his heroes should visit different parts of the world. Everything begins with the fact when one of brothers of above-mentioned family, in alcoholic and narcotic waste, kills the representative of the large criminal leader. As a result of it, all family acquires a lot of troubles…

Ice season 1

Information about the film:

Original Title: Ice
Country, Channel: USA, DirecTv
Release Date: 2016-2017
Genres: Crime, Drama
Creator: Robert Munic, Ronald Bass
Cast: Cam Gigandet, Jeremy Sisto, Ray Winstone, Judith Shekoni, Ella Thomas, Audrey Marie Anderson, Chloe East, Konstantin Lavysh, Reynaldo Gallegos, Donald Sutherland, Catherine Barroll, Antonio Cupo
Runtime: 40-76 min
Language: English
Episodes: 10
Quality: 640x360p;720p
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HD 720p

(2500~3500 kbit/s)

FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

Film Trailer:

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