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Download Murdoch Mysteries season 9 (2016 Canada, CBC) - Lang: English (640x360p)

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Film description:

We go to the end of the nineteenth century to Canada. There are terrible and mysterious murders in the city of Toronto. The case is taken by detective William Murdoch. He is already an experienced person in his field. That is why he tries to use a special approach in each investigation. Murdoch calls his method a new science of criminology. In all his endeavors, the hero is supported by a forensic doctor named Jane Ogden. She is true and always ready to come to the rescue. Jane can give an advice and help with the study of the body. William himself is very smart. Despite his young age, the hero is not hampered by ambitions, beautiful girls, or horrible crimes.

Murdoch Mysteries  season 9
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HD 720p

(2500~3500 kbit/s)

FHD 1080p

(3500~4500 kbit/s)
The release added to the format 720p! Formats 480p and 1080p (if any) will be added at the request of users!

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