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Download Galavant season 1 (2015 USA, ABC) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

The plot revolves around Prince Galavant who seeks to reclaim his beloved Madalena. Evil King Richard kidnapped her and destroyed their happiness. Glavant decides to release the beauty from the king's hands. Galavant learned that Madalena no longer loves him. The girl asks him to leave the castle and never come back. She decided to stay with the King. Soon Galavant goes into depression, because his heart is broken. However, after a year, Princess Isabella finds Galavant and offers him to restore his good name. Galavant decides to take revenge to the evil King Richard that he stole the heart of his beloved.

Galavant season 1

Information about the film:

Original Title: Galavant
Country, Channel: USA, ABC
Release Date: 2015
Genres: Comedy, Musical
Creator: Dan Fogelman
Cast: Hugh Bonneville, Joshua Sasse, Mallory Jansen, Karen David, Timothy Omundson, Vinnie Jones, Luke Youngblood, Genevieve Allenbury, John Stamos, Ricky Gervais, Anthony Stewart Head, Rutger Hauer
Runtime: 20-25 min
Language: English
Episodes: 8
Quality: 640x360
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