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Download Lost season 6 (2010 USA, ABC) - Lang: English (640x360)

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Film description:

In last season two realities are shown. In the first, flight 815 lands at Los Angeles airport, where Kate escapes from the marshal, and Jack discovers that the coffin of his father is lost in transit. In the second, the survivors returned today after the murder of Jacob; Juliet dies and Sayid comes alive in the temple of the Others. The man in black, took the shape of Locke, is the smoke monster and kills a few people from the Ilana's team. Sawyer run out of the temple, and Kate tries to catch up him. Others are trying to poison Sayid but Jack stops them. Jin goes to look for Sun, but finds Claire, which saves him from the others. In an alternate reality, Kate helps Claire. The smoke monster in the form of Locke tries to convince Sawyer to leave the Island. The two-hour final serie, isvthe last in the sixth season and throughout the series. On the island, Desmond come down into the cave with the Light and turned it "off". As a consequence, Locke becomes mortal and before Kate kills him, he fatally hits Jack. Despite this, Jack had the strength to make Hurley the new keeper of the Island, relight the Light and save Desmond. Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Richard, Miles and Lapidus depart from the Island by Ajira Airways plane. In an alternate reality, which essentially became a purgatory before "go further" meet all the main characters and remember life on the Island. The series ends with the triumphant death of Jack in the middle of a bamboo grove. The last frame was closed Jack's eye. Blackout. LOST.

Lost season 6

Information about the film:

Original Title: Lost
Country, Channel: USA, ABC
Release Date: 2010
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Creator: J. J. Abrams
Cast: Emilie de Ravin, Michael Emerson, Jorge Garcia, Naveen Andrews, Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Daniel Dae Kim, Yunjin Kim, Evangeline Lilly, Terry O'Quinn
Runtime: 40-48 min
Language: English
Episodes: 18
Quality: 640x360
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